Ravenmark Scourge of Estellion-RELOADED

Ravenmark Scourge of Estellion-RELOADED

Free Download Ravenmark Scourge of Estellion-RELOADED - Witching Hour Studios kembali memeberikan gebrakan kepada para gamers pecinta game bergenre RPG dan Strategy, kali ini Witching Hour Studios sebagai Developer merilis game RPG, Strategy yang sangat seru yaitu Ravenmark Scourge of Estellion. Seperli halnya game bergenre RPG dan Strategy lainnya, disini anda akan berperan sebagai seorang komandan tentara bayaran yang harus dapat menyusun strategy perang dan menata pasukan yang anda bawahi. Anda harus pandai dalam menyusun strategi yang handal dalam pertempuran untuk mencapai setiap kemenangan. Anda dapat bermain secara individu dalam game ini untuk mengembangkan strategi perang yang anda inginkan dan anda dapat juga bermain secara multiplayer melawan para pemain lainnya menuju alam liar dan buas. Jika anda tertarik dengan game RPG, Strategy yang satu ini, anda dapat mendownload Game Gratis ini disini.

  • Rich story-driven campaign : Take command of Calius Septim and a dozen other commanders as you fight your way through the beautiful world of Ravenmark.
  • Innovative “WeGo” game system : Anticipate all moves of your enemy in order to counter them effectively..
  • Limited command : Decide which troops to order around when you have more of them in your force than your leader can deal with..
  • Standing Orders : Harness A.I. assisted commands that persist across multiple turns and reduce the complexity of micro-managing large armies..
  • Flexible Formations : Group up to three units of a kind into a single Formation, which provides special abilities and buffs to overcome foes with..
  • Explore the Codex : Delve into the richly storied cultures and history of the various nations, characters and locales encountered throughout Ravenmark.

Ravenmark Scourge of Estellion-RELOADED Ravenmark Scourge of Estellion-RELOADED
Ravenmark Scourge of Estellion-RELOADED
Ravenmark Scourge of Estellion-RELOADED
Ravenmark Scourge of Estellion-RELOADED

  • OS : Windows XP SP2+ / Vista / 7 / 8
  • Processor : Intel P4/AMD Athlon XP or better
  • Memory : 1 GB RAM
  • Graphics : Open GL 1.5 Compatible Graphic Card
  • DirectX : Version 9.0c
  • Hard Drive : 700 MB available space

  1. Unrar.
  2. Burn or mount the image.
  3. Install the game.
  4. Copy over the cracked content from the /Crack directory on the image to your game install directory.
  5. Play the game

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