Stronghold [FULL ISO]

Size : 680MB
Tentang Game
Stronghold is a historic real-time strategy (RTS)
game developed by Firefly Studios in 2001. The
game focuses primarily on conquest and
expansion through military pursuits, but also
provides space for economic strategy and
development. There is both an economic and a military campaign to be played and both are
discussed in the game manual. The game takes
place in Medieval England and Wales around the
time of AD 1066; however, since there is not
always a time limit, scenarios can continue
hundreds of years beyond that date. As well as earning many favourable reviews from reviewers
such as PCGamer and GameSpy (see Reception
section), the game continues to boast a large
community, who edit and create various material
through the in-game Map Editor/Scenario



Windows 95/98/Me/2000
Pentium 300MHz
750MB hard drive space
4MB DirectX 7.0 compatible
DirectX 7.0 compatible sound card
8X CD-ROM drive


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