Sky aces


Aces of the Sky, the experience of intense aerial dogfights in its purest form and older. The Great War was the first major conflict to include aerial combat, and now you can get in the intensity. Choose between versions of hunting and triplane bombers venerable design made ​​famous by the Red Baron. You can always land at your base in the middle of a mission to refuel, reload the weapons, repair your plane, or even to change planes. Easily track the important statistics of your flight - altitude, speed and health indicators. Your radar clearly plots the locations of other planes, ships and ground facilities, both friendly and hostile. The flight controls are intuitive and extremely easy to learn, to ensure that anyone can get right into WWI: Aces of the Sky. Let us take you back to an era when aerial combat really tested the courage of one man against another! Have you the courage and the ability to do the right thing to do?

It seems lack of support for joysticks. I could not get the gas or the fire button to work on the stick, so I was forced to use the keyboard. Using a control pad would probably solve this problem. Also hitting ESC when in the mode of information does not leave the game or take you to a different menu. Consequently, only ctrl-alt-del gets you out of the game from this screen. I think the ESC should always take you to one menu regardless of where you are in a game. This game compares favorably with the old "Dawn of Aces." The graphics, sounds and music are excellent. I missed the ability to loop or barrel roll the plane, but otherwise it was fun to drive.

Minimum system requirements:
  • 500MHz processor
  • 128MB RAM
  • 32MB video card
Screen shoots

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