Metal slug 1,2,3,4,X


2D games were originally designed for NeoGeo platform, these are not technically impressive games in any way. Even if you focus your attention only to the game's most playful and bizarre art style and designs, it is difficult to ignore the extremely pixelated graphics, which the parts can actually be traced all the way back to the first Metal Slug, which is almost 10 years old at this stage. Metal Slug 4 is the increasingly obvious the author of such recycling. You can expect many of the same environments, enemies, and snails can be found in the previous Metal Slug offers ... to the point that it almost feels like a pale Metal Slug tribute. As a result, Metal Slug 4 is less convincing, and two games in the package. Metal Slug 5, on the other hand, benefits from a completely new enemies, some fantastically strange new slugs to the pilot, and some ingenious new level. 

One of the striking new levels consists of careening abandoned elevated highway in what appears to be heavily armed with a Mini Cooper, taking all the enemies and try to clear the massive holes in the road. You can expect to face a massive mechanical enemies at the end of each phase and the metal slugs, but the bosses Metal Slug 5 are simply bigger and more original. A few boss fights in either game, however, have time to ridiculous heights in the final Battle of Metal Slug 2 / X, and even at best, they seem to fall only slightly short of producing the same crazy thrills offered by past Metal Slug entries. There are a handful of votes, which are branded products to the brain any long-standing Metal Slug fan, like weapon reports, explosions, announcer sound bites, and the theme song, both of which Metal Slug 4 and 5, liberal use.

Minimum system requirements:
  • 350MHz processor
  • 64MB RAM
  • 32MB video card
Screen shoots

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