Battle of Empires 1914-1918 is war field battle game which is released on 22nd of April 2015. Battle of the Empires also referred to as BoE, is based on mission that is adventurous and involves action. It involves dangerous weapons and gas attacks etcetera.
Battle of Empires 1914 Overview
The first series of the Battle of empires which is based on France is a battle of war between German and the French army. The second series of the Battle of the Empires is based on Russian Empire and it focuses on the war between the army of Russia and Germany. So, both of these wars are a part of this game.
Battle of Empires Gameplay
The graphics of the game are very attractive and unique and it shows that novelty of this game. In this game, the gamer can control his army till the micro level of a soldier and divisions. The game can be played in single player with bots in the opposite army. The game can also be played in multi player and it has the capacity of maximum eight players in a single game. This feature makes this game very much feasible for gaming zone shops. The location of the wars is multiple and can be selected. It is basically based on First World War.
Characteristics of Battle of The Empires
The main characteristic of the game is that it is near to reality and every sector of the army has its own weapon and ammunition. The shell types, transportation vehicles, weapon’s model etcetera all demonstrate that the game is developed with the idea of keeping it close to reality. This game portrays the environment of World War I, and the maps and locations are also kept the same. It also involved the same arms and ammunition which was used in WWI, more over the dressing kit is also the same as it was at the time of war. The player has to make strategies to win the war and if he is stuck he has to save his brigade out of that complex situation. The player also has to complete several missions with his team to move ahead in the game.
Battle of Empires System Requirements
Battle of Empires Game Download
This complete review on Battle of Empires 1914 will now make it clear for the readers about the gameplay, specifications, game graphics and system requirements about the game. So now, what are you waiting for? Go, play and download free war game.
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