Age of Empires 3 Download
Age of Empires 3 is among one of the most popular and all time best games of personal computers. It is a single player as well as multi player game which is based on strategies and war.
The game starts with selection of country and its king by the player. Then the gamer has to select the enemy and number of enemies. The option of chat is also available between the kings in which they can exchange pleasant of harsh messages with each other. You can also
Download Age of empires 2.
Age of Empires 3 Gameplay
Once the game is started, the player is given a piece of land with a house of king. The player has to save the king at any cost to win the game. For this, the player has to develop and setup his own country from the scratch, just like
StrongHold Crusader Free Download.
The player has to place a wood cutting machine at the forest to cut wood and then use it in construction. Similarly the stone is also collected from the nearby areas where available so that it can be used in construction of buildings, houses for the civilians, boundary wall, defense building, etc. Moreover, gold collection is also important to buy different horses, weapons, food and whatever is required.
Furthermore, there is a market from where anything can be purchased but again gold or any other commodity is required for the barter of required material.
The creation of whole army equipped with weapons and horses etc is important, meanwhile player has to make sure that his defense is also strong and that he should be aware that he can be attacked by his enemy any time.
Therefore the approach of attack and defense together at the same time is very important. Food is also very important, and for that agriculture farming, and animal hunting is done, this will save cost if otherwise purchased from the market.
If a war begins at any time, the idea is to save the king at the end, while the enemy will try to kill the enemy. If you like War games, then also play
Battle of Empires 1914.
Therefore smart players will create boundary wall around their territory to stop the enemy from entering their territory. The player must try the war should not be near his king’s palace. Rather, the war should be in enemies’ country and try to attack rather than defense. But before attacking, the defense has to be very strong so that in case of counter attack, the army is prepared and ready to survive and save the country, its property and the king.
Age of Empires 3 System Requirements
CPU: | Pentium III or Athlon equivalent |
Video Card: | 64 MB video card with support for Hardware Transformation & Lighting |
CD-ROM: | 32X Speed CD or DVD-ROM |
CPU: | Pentium 4 or Athlon XP |
Video Card: | 128 MB video card with support for Hardware Transformation & Lighting |
CD-ROM: | 32X Speed CD or DVD-ROM |
Age of Empires 3 Free Download
I hope you will like the review and now you will be waiting to
Download Age of Empires III for PC. So friends, we are sharing a working download link below. You can
Download Age of empires 3 just by a single click.
File Size: 5.69 GB
Note: Once you click on Download Link below and start the game runs installation, the installation will begin immediately and sometimes it will be running in background so that your computer can run smoothly, don't cancel the installation until the whole installation gets completed..!Click here to Download============================You should also Download:
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