Swipe for Facebook Pro 2.3.1 Apk is Here! [LATEST] [UPDATED]


Swipe for Facebook Pro

Overview: What you get is a lightweight, highly customizable, and battery-friendly Facebook app that emphasizes on user interface and user experience as much as functionality and design.
*Why sacrifice form or function when you can have both? *Swipe for Facebook is the best Facebook wrapper app out there, integrating the lightweight Facebook website into a familiar user interface that is much like the original Facebook app.
What you get is a lightweight, highly customizable, and battery-friendly Facebook app that emphasizes on user interface and user experience as much as functionality and design.
It’s better in every single way. ** You’ll feel it.**
As of very recently, Facebook has decided to stop supporting Messages on the mobile website, trying to get everyone to move to Messenger. It seems this may be what has been causing the crashes for some users when they click on Messages. The developer of FaceSlim (Krysztof Grabowski) had reached out to me and shared a solution, which completely fixes the crashes. The fix is hard-coded into the app, so you need not enable any settings for this.
Still, Facebook will be discontinuing Messages very soon, so if you find yourself unable to access Messages, please use my workaround. Simply go to Settings and enable ‘Enable Messages Workaround’. This will load www.messenger.com instead of m.facebook.com/messages where you can still send messages. This is not themed yet, but will hopefully be in another update within the week. Facebook seems to be very serious about this, so everyone should brace themselves for these changes being pushed to ALL users in the coming weeks.
Swipe Pro version includes:
– Higher Customizations
– More themes!
– Facebook iOS and Google Plus UI
– Quiet Hours (Do Not Disturb) – take control over your notifications!
– Power Saving Mode
– Retain Last Visited Pages
Upcoming features in the works:
– Fingerprint authentication Security Lock*
– DayNight Theming (automatic theme changing depending on time)*
– Improved Power Saving Mode*
– Fix for Horizontal Scrolling**
– Caching tabs (still looking into how I can achieve this efficiently)***
– Video upload***
this week
possibly next week
***indefinitely soon, still figuring things out
For any more bugs or feedback, please go through the app’s settings and press the Bug Report button.
What’s New:
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT (see description) NEW in Swipe 2.3.0 – Download and save images – Share images from Swipe to other apps – Added WRITEEXTERNALSTORAGE permission (required for downloading and sharing images – Fixed a bug where the page scrolls back to top when going back from a full size image See description for upcoming features!
Swipe for Facebook ProSwipe for Facebook ProSwipe for Facebook Pro
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Swipe for Facebook Pro
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