Biz Builder Delux v2.0.0 Apk

That's right, from a video game store to the corner fast food joint, run what YOU want as the town's entrepreneur extraordinaire!
 Biz Builder Delux: miniatura da captura de tela
Once your coffers are comfortably padded, you'll be ready to set sights on other ripe markets. Don't be shy and branch out, erecting a diverse variety of establishments to inspire both pep in the town plaza and plenitude in your pockets!

Remember, you'll need to strategize if you want shoppers to show. Innovate to stock stores with quality products while devising battle plans to rout pesky rivals. Only then will your spot as the town's top transactor be secure!

It's not easy to rake in those bucks with the free market in flux... but if you conquer that crux--you'll be Biz Builder Delux!
* All game progress is stored on your device. Save data cannot be transferred between devices, nor can it be restored after deleting or reinstalling the app.
* Should the screen go dark and freeze, try to power your device down and relaunch the game.

Try searching for "Kairosoft" to see all of our games, or visit us at . Be sure to check out both our free-to-play and our paid games!

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