Check device
- you can now check device by clicking "search device" in device check icon
if device is detected it means device is set to ENABLE USB DEBUGGING
- if device is detected you can use WIPE DATA
if device is not detected proceed to flashing using LiveSuit and ETC.

Scr!tp Tools
- ENABLE USB DEBUGGING must be set on device or android tablet
- added "search device" to know if tablet is detected before scr!pt editing.

- ENABLE USB DEBUGGING must be set on device or android tablet
- A13 All winner chips is supported but you can do experimental in other device chips
but use at your own risk and always do back up rom or firmware prepared just incase what
happen to your device after injecting fixers tools.

- ENABLE USB DEBUGGING must be set on device or android tablet
- A13 All winner chips is supported but you can do experimental in other device chips
but use at your own risk and always do back up rom or firmware prepared just incase what
happen to your device after injecting fixers tools.

- ENABLE USB DEBUGGING must be set on device or android tablet
- this tools can only fix on specific model available in my shell button.
- you can do experiment by injecting scr!pt to other device but use at your own risk.

- wipe data (ENABLE USB DEBUGGING must be set on device or android tablet)
- fast boot wipe (must be in fastboot mode)
- reset user lock (ENABLE USB DEBUGGING must be set on device or android tablet)
- reset Gmail (ENABLE USB DEBUGGING must be set on device or android tablet)
- rockchip tools
- rockchip installer
- live suit
- live suit installer
- usb driver
- phoenix suit
- phoenix card
- mtk easy root
Thanks for reading my news about Android X-tools by Xeven2nd Version 2 at my blog GETPCGAMESET if you want too share this article, please put the resource, and if you think this article is very usefully dont forget to bookmark this site with CTRL + D on your keyboard to web browser.