Free eBook: Introduction To Windows 10 Security

Microsoft had users on edge when reports of  it collecting data in Windows 10 surfaced. That initial impression has stuck around shadowing the many great new security features that the new operating system introduced. Security threats, whether you’re talking about a personal computer or a network of systems in an office, are a huge concern. Those alarmed by the idea that Microsoft is spying on its users will be reluctant to upgrade to Windows 10 based on security concerns alone. If you’re wondering whether or not Windows 10 is secure, or you work as a network administrator and need to convince the office to go for an upgrade, Introduction To Windows 10 Security is an ebook you should consider checking out. The book, normally priced at $24.95 is available for free to our readers. It not only compares the new security features available in Windows 10 to those in Windows 7 & 8, but also touches on how to mitigate risks of compromised accounts, improve account and app security, and manage your active directory in the cloud.


Introduction To Windows 10 Security spans seventeen chapters. It touches on the Microsoft and FIDO alliance and explains how Windows 10 protects individual users’ identities. The new Microsoft Passport, Passport2Go, and BitLocker features are also explained.

The hardware requirement needed to get the full benefit of the new security features in Windows 10 are listed for the benefit of anyone wondering whether they should upgrade their current system or buy a new one.

The book aims to answer questions about security at an enterprise level and explains the Enterprise Data Protection that comes in Windows 10, as well as their benefits. It also explains how to configure Windows defender and how the advanced threat analytics work. The book not only answers a lot of questions about how safe and secure Windows 10 is but also how end users and businesses can benefit from the new security features.

Visit the link below and enter you email and other details to get the book.

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