iGO R3 HERE 2015 Q2 Europe iGO

iGO R3 HERE 2015 Q2 Europe iGO

Works on:

Navigatii with a minimum 128 MB RAM to go in rather large proportions and 5 respectively have Windows CE 6.0
Android phones.

Tested staff!

Ps: To avoid errors like: Out of memory and you can use these maps perfectly
I recommend a minimum Memory: 128MB Ram.

Tested on:

PilotOn, Serioux Q550T2, Serioux Q550 if I remember correctly (have 64 MB RAM), 2,3,4 Galaxy Note Galaxy S4, S5, S6 Edge


KIT was tested on all phones listed above if VINEVA fails to execute the setup steps in the topic DEDICATED post.

Throughout Europe, points of interest, 3D buildings, stations Petro,
Truck and functions such as points of interest.

Install iNFO:

1- People without installation kit it can use the filelist iGO.
2 Copy files to the iGO / Content /
(all files are copied iGO / Content / if one can not find error in content)
!!! -> Preferred to copy onto an SD card to internal memory NOT FOR NOT find error
2a-file "LICENSE" will copy the .apk where he is (executable) file .If you have not "license" created
It will be one name "license".

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