BBM Official v2.10.0.31 APK Android

BBM Official v2.10.0.31 APK Android

Free Download BBM Official v2.10.0.31 APK Android - Blog apk46 tempat download gratis Aplikasi dan Game Android Terbaru kali ini akan berbagi salah satu aplikasi komunikasi yang sudah tidak asing lagi bagi anda bernama BBM Official v2.10.0.31 APK Android. Aplikasi yang sangat familiar di masyarakat dimana aplikasi yang pertamakalinya hanya dapat digunakan pada perangkat Blackberry kini sudah bisa digunakan pada perangkat android yang pemakainya juga tidak kalah fantastis.
Dengan menggunakan BBM Untuk Android anda dapat melakukan chatting, panggilan suara, berbagi video, berbagi gambar dan masih banyak lagi yang dapat anda lakukan sehingga akan mempermudah aktifitas anda.

  • Chat with friends on Android, BlackBerry and iPhone (BBM is always on and always connected, Know when messages have been delivered (D’s) and read (R’s), Say ‘hello’ with BBM Voice – free voice calling between BBM ContactsQuickly share photos, files, documents, voice notes and more, Allow contacts to view your location live on a map, powered by Glympse, See when contacts are responding to your message, Emoticons for every mood and emotion let you express yourself )
  • With BBM, what you share is yours to control (Timed Messages, Message Retraction: ‘Retract’ a message to remove it from your BBM chat, You choose how to share your information - BBM uses PINs instead of phone numbers or email addresses so that it's more private, and you always control who can contact you, You choose your contacts – 2-way opt-in means you have control over who is able to message you)
  • Chat and Share with many at once (Groups – BBM groups help you share pictures, lists, and appointments with group members. You can even be in a group with people who aren't part of your own BBM contact list, Multi-person chats – Invite multiple contacts to have a chat together, Broadcast messages – Send a message to multiple BBM contacts at one time.)
  • BBM Channels (Create a new channel to share your thoughts, ideas and passions, Subscribe to an existing BBM channel to join chats with others who share your interests)
  • Create your own BBM profile (Post a profile picture using images, pictures or even animated pictures (GIFs), Update your status to let people know what you’re up to or how you feel)
  • Bug fixes and performance improvements
  • Official BBM Sticker Club subscription in the BBM Shop
  • PayPal integration for sending money to BBM contacts as an attachment
  • Customizable font size within BBM conversations with pinch-to-zoom
  • Enhancements to BBM Voice connectivity
  • View, like, and comment on group pictures and other events from within BBM feeds.
BBM Official v2.10.0.31 APK Android


File Size : 21.97 MB 
Requires Android : OS 4.0 And Up 

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