WWE SmackDown versus Raw 2011 (likewise abbreviated to WWE SvR 2011 or SVR 11is an expert wrestling computer game created by Yuke's and distributed by THQ for the PlayStation 2 (PS2), PlayStation 3 (PS3), PlayStation Portable (PSP), Wii, and Xbox 360 frameworks. It is the seventh amusement in the WWE SmackDown versus Crude arrangement and the last amusement under the SmackDown versus Crude name, with future portions basically being named WWE, henceforth, it is the last establishment of the SmackDown versus Crude
arrangement. It is the spin-off of WWE SmackDown versus Crude 2010 and succeeded by WWE '12. It is likewise the last portion for the PlayStation 2 and PlayStation Portable stages. It was discharged on October 26, 2010 in North America, October 28 in Australia, October 29 in Europe, and February 3, 2011 in Japan for the PS3 and Xbox 360 forms. The amusement is in light of the two brands of WWE, Raw and SmackDown. A demo rendition of the amusement was discharged in Japan on Xbox 360 in right on time February 2011.

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