How To Run Windows Apps On Mac For Free Without VM !!

WineBottler packages Windows-based programs like browsersmedia-playersgames or business applications snugly into Mac app-bundles.
Your company provides you with a login, mail, calendar and contacts that only work on certain browsers?
You quickly want to test your websites in Windows-based browsers.
You want to play games, that are not ported to OS X?
Your online trading platform or accounting tool only runs on Windows?
Your audio book player is not available on OS X?
No need to install emulators, virtualizers or boot into other operating systems – WineBottler runs your Windows-based programs directly on your Mac.
  1. Download the latest stable version of WineBottler from the link below.
  2. Double-click the DMG file and drag both the Wine and WineBottler icons into your Applications folder.
  3. Find your Windows software. (In my case, I will use Microsoft Money Sunset Edition.)
  4. Next, go to Wine Application Database (AppDB) from the link below and type the name of your Windows software into the Search box to find out if other people have successfully installed the app, and what requirements need to be met. (In the case of Microsoft Money, I will need to add two Winetricks, msxml3 and ie8.)
  5. Open WineBottler and switch to the Advanced tab.
  6. Leave “new prefix” selected under “Prefix Template” and click the “Select File…” button to browse to your program’s setup file (in my example, “USMoneyDlxSunset.exe”.) Select “This is an installer, execute it.”
  7. Certain programs require additional Windows components, such as “IE8″ or the “.NET Framework” to run. You can include these in your application’s prefix, so it works properly. (For Microsoft Money, use the Search box to find “msxml3″ and “ie8″, then tick each one.)
  8. Check “Include Wine binaries…” after reading the tip box. Change “com.yourcompany.yourapp” to match your program (For me, that’s “com.Microsoft.Money”.)
  9. Leave “Silent Install” unchecked, then click “Install”.
  10. Choose where to save it, name your program and click “Install”.
  11. First the “Wine bottle” or “prefix” is set up then WineBottler installs any Winetricks, followed by your app. If a“Profile creation aborted” error appears, read the log (Typically it’s related to a missing Winetricks setup file, and you’ll be provided with a download link.)
  12. After resolving errors, you’re prompted to install Winetrick components followed by the program. (If any Program Error boxes appear, keep clicking close until they disappear and WineBottler moves onto the next component.)
  13. Open the program from the Applications folder (There might be a short wait.)
  14. Now try it. (In Microsoft Money, I couldn’t use the setup wizard, so I needed to adapt the “sample.mny” file by choosing “File > Open” and browsing to “drive_c\Program Files\Microsoft Money Plus”.)
  15. You’re done! Enjoy!! :)
Before installing any software, visite Wine Application Database (AppDB) and search for your Windows software to see if someone else had already successfully installed it and to see what features worked and what didn’t work.
WineBottler (Official Website)
Wine Application Database (AppDB) (Wine HQ Official Website)
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