Pixel Gun 3D 9.0.1 APK

Pixel Gun 3D

Pixel Gun 3D Android game has been updated on the Play Store with new map - Christmas Town, a lot of new guns and more. Following 9.0.1 Update, the game gets better and better all the time with some improvement, new features and changes.

Pixel Gun 3D is an awesome game to get relaxed and then bam you shoot and kill someone. This game has nearly everything a modern day shooter with a nice pixelated Minecraft lego style. It's perfect for kids and if you're bored this is what you can play against your friends or family but the money worth it.

Here are the list what's new in Pixel Gun 3D version 9.0.1 on Android:
- New map - Christmas Town
- The maximum level is extended up to 26!
- Reworked mechanics of shotguns.
- A lot of new guns! Added 2 free guns for newbies!
- Added a ruby set of armor.
- Added GEMS systems.
- Completely new products in the store: Turret, Jetpack and even a MECH! WOW!
- Added CLAN leaderboard. Now you can see top clans in Pixel Gun 3D.
- Russian localization! Very soon will be added other languages)
- Processed accessories. Pick a unique set of capes and boots with super effects.

The update is live right now if you have the app installed and if you've been waiting to grab the latest Pixel Gun 3D APK file, now is the time to do.

Requires Android: 3.0+
Download File: 20.8MB (Pixel Gun 3D APK)

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