Shake spears iPhone game free download

Shake spears iPhone game free download available for iPhone game lovers. In this game Shake spears, you have to fight a battle with your opponent with the help of spear. Blow down your enemy with this spear and fight bravely as a knight in the deadly battle.

A strategic fighting game for iPhone game lovers!

Screenshots of the Shake spears! game for iPhone, iPad or iPod.

Screenshots of the Shake spears! game for iPhone, iPad or iPod.

Screenshots of the Shake spears! game for iPhone, iPad or iPod.

Screenshots of the Shake spears! game for iPhone, iPad or iPod.

Internet connection (Wi-Fi, 3G, GPRS)
Jailbroken device
PC with iFunBox installed (Download iFunBox)
PC with iTunes

Game installation steps:
Download any game to your PC.
Run iFunBox on your PC.
In iFunBox right-click User Applications > Install App (fig. 1).
Select .ipa file of the game in the menu and install it to your phone.

1. Installing app under 1 GB using iFunbox
2. Installing app over 1 GB using iFunbox

NOTE! It’s not recommended to install an app that’s over 1 GB, as a result game can be crashed after the intro. To install games over 1 GB you should better place the game into "Installous" folder and install it via phone as usual.

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