Glary Utilities Pro 5.5 + Life Time Serial Key

Glary Utilities Pro 5.5 + Life Time Serial Key Download
Glary Utilities Pro 5.5 + Life Time Serial Key Download

About Glary Utilities Pro 5.5 :

Glary Utilities Pro is a set of system tools for stability, boost speed, repair and protect your PC. Glary Utilities allow you to delete redundant files, invalid registry entries and traces left by surf all you can. By this software, you can also manage and delete browser add-ons, analyze disk space usage and find duplicate files on your system to do. Furthermore, Glary software to optimize memory, find, fix or delete broken shortcuts, manage the programs that start at Windows startup and uninstall apps are.

Glary Utilities Pro tools
: Disk Cleaner Removes junk data from hard disk, freeing disk space
Registry Cleaner: Scans and cleans your registry to improve system performance
Shortcuts Fixer: Corrects the errors in the start menu and desktop shortcuts
Startup Manager: Manages programs which run automatically on startup
Memory Optimizer: Monitors and optimizes memory Windows background
Tracks Eraser: Erase all the traces, evidences, cookies, internet history and more ...
File Shredder: Destroying or delete information that is not recoverable by any means
Internet Explorer Assistant: Manages Internet Explorer Add-trip configuration stolen by cyber thieves
Disk Analysis: Get details information of the desired files and folders
Duplicate Files Finder: search for files, duplicate and delete them
Empty Folders Finder: Detect and delete empty folders in Windows
Uninstall Manager: to completely uninstall programs that you do not need

Size : 13 MB

Rar Password :

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