Running With Rifles Early Access


Yet another small indie games for the collection! Haven't actually tried the game yet, but it kinda reminds me of Arma : Tactics!

RUNNING WITH RIFLES is a top-down tactical shooter with open-world RPG elements. 

In RWR, you join the ranks of an army as a common soldier, just like the thousands around you. To your superiors, you're nothing but cannon fodder... 
The open world approach lets you define your own path and story in the campaign. Push back the enemy with your comrades or go deep behind enemy lines to sabotage their efforts and loot valuable items. 

As you gain experience, you are promoted with higher command over soldiers and equipment. Call in artillery fire missions or paratrooper reinforcements when the situation gets tight! Use your squad to man armed boats, tanks and APC's, or, become the expert lone wolf you always aspired to be - it's up to you!

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