Digg 1.2 Apk

Digg 1.2 Apk
News readers have been big business in the wake of Google Reader’s demise, just ask Digg. They launched the Digg Reader earlier this summer, initialy serving up web and iOS versions of their RSS curator, and it wasn’t half bad. Add Android to the list of platforms today. Digg Reader is now available from the Google Play Store and the Maharantau Dwelling as a free download.

"And now, with no warning, it's back—and it's beautiful." - Gizmodo
Digg delivers the most interesting and talked-about stories on the Internet. Powered by social signals and old-fashioned human judgment, our editors turn the Internet's vast and cacophonous flood of articles, blog posts, magazine pieces, status updates, photos and videos into the elegant and endlessly engrossing mix known as Digg. And now the new Digg Reader is a simple, powerful and speedy way to follow your favorite sources and publishers.
  • Introducing Digg Reader for Android! A fast, clean, and simple real-time reading app.
  • Find and follow your favorite online publishers, writers, and bloggers. 
  • Organize RSS feeds and other sources via folders. Quickly sort to see the most popular items across the social Internet.
  • Digg your favorite stories and share them via Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Tumblr, LinkedIn, email, and text.
  • Save stories to read later on Digg, Instapaper, and Pocket.
Have a suggestion? Trouble with our app?
Email us: reader@digg.com
Talk to us on Twitter: @DiggSupport

Digg 1.2 ApkDigg 1.2 ApkDigg 1.2 Apk

Update September 12, 2013

3.7 Mb. Apk

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