Seek & Destroy


Seek and Destroy is largely on the arcade side of things. Head characters appear in the vehicles produced, exaggerated strange weapons like giant tires crushed, and their own weapons are equally on the top - flamethrowers, lasers, bombs and ridiculous are just some examples. Unfortunately, none of these is particularly satisfactory for use, so the action seems flat and repetitive. However, the game is not all bad, and actually contains a significant feature - its multiplayer component. He described the battle mode, the multiplayer component allows two players to choose between any of the tanks in the game and then take each other on one of several different environments. Players can also upgrade their tanks more powerful weapons and missiles, different forms of camouflage, and better engines, among other things. However, although certainly fun, the multiplayer mode is still not enough for the game is recommended. Taking into account that are limited to two players at once, automatically pales in comparison with almost any other game that is worth fighting multiple players available helicopter.

Minimum system requirements:
  • 350MHz processor
  • 32MB RAM
  • 4MB video card
Screen shoots

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