By combining the features of the game Dune II and Civilization, Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings has proven to be one of the game is challenging and has a sophisticated graphical display. Graphical display program based on highly detailed, based on isometric, two-dimensional design, which presents a world war in the Middle Ages where you can feel the direct action of a brave player.
When compared with contemporary graphics, games with soldiers and weapons, display user-friendly interface and features a lot of choices, surely this game will become a favorite among gamers.
Each of the 13 countries involved in Age of Empires II has its own strategies that good. Almost all units dilitakan together in a strategy called "ro-sham-bo". This game includes a scenario of history and fashion "combat and multi-player option." Choice of music in this game will raise tensions. By yan nice touch, the soldiers from different natin speak with their own language. For lovers of action-historic game, you kana loss if not try the demo version of this game.
In addition to all of the features found in the original game Age of Empires, Age of Empires II added a few features in some areas as follows:
* Choice of new battle
* Alternative options to combat
* Different Cultures
* Use the easy
* Selection of Path technology
Minimum system requirements:
* Mulitmedia PC with Pentium 166 MHz processor or better
* Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 5 operating system.
* 32 MB RAM
* 200 MB available hard disk
* VGA monitor that supports screen resolution of 800 x 600, resolution 256 color and 26 MB VRAM
* Drive CD-ROM 4 times faster
* Computer Mouse
* 28.8 Kbps modem speed
* Audio with speakers or headphones
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