Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising [FULL ISO]

Size : 4.5GB
Tentang Game
Dragon Rising takes place on the fictional island of
Skira, in May 2011. After the Global Economic
Crisis causes mass unemployment and political
destabilization in China, the People's Liberation
Army (PLA) seize control of Skira and the vast,
newly discovered reservoir of oil there, from the Russian Federation. Peace talks prove useless
as both combatants lay claim to Skira due to
previous ownership of it. The situation
deteriorates quickly and China begins to fortify
its northern provinces in anticipation of armed
conflict with Russia. Russia, already countering the PLA on the Chinese mainland, calls to the
United States of America to retake Skira from
the Chinese. Bound by treaty arrangements made
after the end of the Cold War, America agrees
and the two biggest armies in the world begin to
clash on the island..



Windows XP/Vista
2.4GHz Dual Core Processor
8GB Hard Disk Space
256MB Nvidia 7600GT/ATI X1800XL
Video Card DirectX
Compatible Sound Card
Dual-Layer Compatible


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