Size : 5.2GB
Tentang Game
Similar to its predecessor, combat is impossible and the player must either run or hide from their
enemies in order to stay alive. The players can
hide in various spots in order to avoid their
pursuers, such as nearby lockers, under the
bed, in various corners or simply blending in with
the darkness. Closing doors will impede enemies and squeezing through small spaces can lose
them. Certain scripted events will require a
specific action from the player. The only item the player has access to is his camcorder, which is automatically acquired after the main character breaks out of his
holding cell. The camcorder is battery operated and comes with a night vision function which is
used to navigate through dark areas. Batteries
can be found in various spots, usually nearby
electronic devices, such as radios, Walkie-
talkies, etc. While the camcorder is up and
filming, the character will write his thoughts in a notebook. Along the game, the player can pick up various documents, scattered throughout the asylum, that provide a background story for
some of the characters. The documents appear
as blue folders with "CONFIDENTIAL" stamped
on the front. Aside from scavenging batteries
and finding documents, certain tasks will require
for the player to retrieve a key.
OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 - 64 bits
Processor: 2.2 GHz Dual Core
CPU Memory: 2GB
Video Card: 512 MB NVIDIA GeForce 9800GTX / ATI
Radeon HD 38xx series
DirectX®: 9.0c
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