Counter Strike Point Blank - Mod

17 August is independence day for Indonesia, CSF Development Team released the Open Beta version of Official CSPB for commemorate this day. This open beta version isn't different like demo version, some features were cut from the Close Beta, remember that version take a very long time to finishing it. Indeed, this version have less features but use FeAr's Metahook, like radar's overview, Scoreboard, Frag Kill, Hud HP, and many more. Features: Steam installed (Play online with others using hamachi or hlds) Fe Ar's Metahook (Radar, Scoreboard, Frag Kill, Effect Killer, and Hud HP include) New Effect Killer's style NST's Weapon Male and Female radio voice Whisper system Shotgun fix Helmet protection Inventory system New interface Less lag And many more Bug: Launcher (Actually for invite, inventory, lobby) Resources Mode installed: Bomb Mission Deathmatch Dino Mode Beta 3


Change your Counter Strike into Point Blank, from maps, weapons, characters and many other, still have some bugs, i hope the developer release a new update soon


- Just download and install the game, enjoy

- Use Game Booster to improve your gaming performance
- If needed use UltraISO or Daemon Tools to mount the game disc
- You need to download BitTorrent to download the torrent version
- Use Internet Download Manager to improve your regular download speed
- To play it online, use Hamachi

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