Medal of Honor: Allied Assault Breakthrough Expansion [FULL ISO]

Size : 682MB
Tentang Game
Breakthrough is the second expansion pack for Medal of Honor: Allied Assault, this time developed by TKO Software where the player takes the role of Sgt. John Baker of the US 34th Infantry Division. This campaign covers the Battle
of Kasserine Pass, the turning point of the North African
campaign, the fall of Bizerte and the Allied invasion of
Sicily in 1943, followed by the amphibious landings and
defense of the beachhead at Anzio in 1944. Breakthrough
adds Italian weapons for single player and multiplayer as well as the British and Soviet weapons from Spearhead.
Also, additional British weapons are included, to complete
the British arsenal.



Pentium II 450MHz Processor
8X CD-ROM Drive
1.2 GB Hard Disk Space
16MB DirectX and OpenGL compatible Video Card DirectX compatible Sound Card
DirectX 8.0



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