Tropico 4 For PC With FLT Crack Fast Torrent Free Download


Tropico 4 sees you return as El Presidente, the tyrannical (or benevolent) dictator of the island paradise of Tropico.

Tropico 4 expands on the gameplay of the previous game with new political additions - including more superpowers to negotiate with, along with the ability to elect ministers into power to help get your more controversial policies passed.

* new campaign consisting of 20 missions on 10 new maps
* 20 new buildings including Stock Exchange, Shopping mall Aqua Park and a Mausoleum to El Presidente
* Six new interactive disasters including volcanoes, droughts and tornadoes
* Council of Ministers - selected citizens to mimisterial posts in the government to help push through your more controversial decisions
* National Agenda - receive objectives from Tropican factions foreign geopolitical powers or opportunities relating to current island events such as ongoing disasters
* Facebook and Twitter integration (PC-only features)
* Screenshot gallery - take screenshots of your tropical paradise and share on your Facebook page (PC- only Feature)
* Trading system - import and export goods to/from other nations to boost your economy or production


Installation Information:
* Burn or mount
* Install the game
* On start block the game from going online with your firewall, use our keygen located in the Fairlight folder to generate a serial
* Play the game

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Get the game for FREE by clicking on “Download” link below:

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