Age of Empires Gold Edition Full Version

Age of Empires requires the player to develop a civilization from a handful of hunter-gatherers to an expansive Iron Age Empire. To assure victory, the player must gather resources in order to pay for new units, buildings and more advanced technology. Resources must also be preserved, as no new resources become available as the game progresses, for example, trees that are cut down will not grow back. Twelve civilizations are available. Each with individual sets of attributes, including a varying number of available technologies and units. Each civilization has technologies unique to them, so that no civilization possesses all the technologies possible within the game.

Age of Empires Series :
- Age of Empires


My very first stategy game, awesome! no more words to say, just try it and you will know what i mean


System Requirements
- CPU 90 MHz
- DX DirectX 5.0 or higher
- HDD 200MB
- Sound DirectX compatible

- Use Game Booster to improve your gaming performance
- If needed use UltraISO or Daemon Tools to mount the game disc
- You need to download BitTorrent to download the torrent version
- Use Internet Download Manager to improve your regular download speed

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