Heroes of 71 : Retaliation v1.2 Mod+Apk Terbaru

Heroes of 71 : Retaliation v1.2 Mod+Apk Terbaru
Free download Heroes of 71 : Retaliation v1.2 Mod+Apk Terbaru | Selamat siang sobat gamers kali ini saya akan membagikan game keren yang sangat diminati oleh kalangan gamers dunia Heroes of 71 : Retaliation v1.2 dengan kualitas gambar 3D pertempuran untuk menaklukan perang di Banglades memang sangat menegangkan dimana kita sebagai pejuang harus bisa membebaskan para sandera yang telah disekap di dalam lingkungan perkampungan para gerlyawan akan memberikan perlawanan yang sangat sengeit dalam akasi pembebasan kali ini.dan dalam versi terbaru kali ini telah delengkapi dengan modhack apk yang sudah mega mod(infinite Ammo,infinite Grenates,infinite Medikits) game Heroes of 71 : Retaliation v1.2 Mod+Apk (Mega Mod) adalah garapan Portbliss Games game kali ini terasa amat berbeda dari game yang lainnya jika sobat ingin memiliki serta memainkan game Heroes of 71 : Retaliation bisa kalian download di sini gratis.

Sinopsis : 

Heroes of 71: Retaliation” (হিরোজ অব ৭১ রিটালিয়েশন) starts with a continuation from its predecessor, “Heroes of 71” (হিরোজ অব ৭১) that depicts the Shamsu Bahini capturing a strategically important Pakistani base at Shanir Char, Barisal, and defending it to the last breath. Though they survive the brutal battle, Sajal is killed. Now Shamsu Bahini has set their hearts to revenge for their fallen comrade. A new mission awaits them. Pakistani forces have kidnapped a group of women and are holding them in a torture camp located at Ullar Haat, some miles away from Shanir Char. Shamsu Bahini have to rescue these brave women without a single casualty. As Shamsu Bahini captures the camp they meet another female guerrilla fighter Anila, who was captured during organizing an armed women guerrilla group.

Anila joins Shamsu Bahini in another mission to destroy a bridge over the Andharmanik Khaal (canal). The bridge is strategically important as it is frequently used by Pakistani supply convoys. The second mission, though supposed to be a silent one, takes an unprecedented turn as Shamsu Bahini’s position is compromised to the Pakistani army. Now Shamsu Bahini is faced with a full frontal battle against great odds. All of the characters, places, events, missions and the storyline are fictional and do not in any way represent true events.

Screen shoot

Heroes of 71 : Retaliation v1.2 Mod+Apk Terbaru
Heroes of 71 : Retaliation v1.2 Mod+Apk Terbaru
Heroes of 71 : Retaliation v1.2 Mod+Apk Terbaru
Heroes of 71 : Retaliation v1.2 Mod+Apk Terbaru
Heroes of 71 : Retaliation v1.2 Mod+Apk Terbaru
Heroes of 71 : Retaliation v1.2 Mod+Apk Terbaru

Information About:

Update : 13 Apr 2016
New versi  :1.2
Requed Andro : 4.0.3 And Up
Format : Apk
Size         : 93 Mb
Developer: Portbliss Games
Info Mod  :  Mega Mod 

What's New:

  • Bug fixes, many improvements to game performance
  • Link your Google account to the game
  • Google Play Games player data sync
  • English language added
  • Facebook sharing

Cara Download File :

  • Pastikan jaringan internet sinyal anda bagus, karena jika lemot, maka membuat proses download Apk memakan banyak waktu.
  • Klik salah satu link download yang telah saya sediakan, bisa dari Server 1 ataupun dari Server 2
  • Ikuti proses download hingga selesai,dan file siap untuk diunggah.
Sekian dulu lampiran tentang game Heroes of 71 : Retaliation v1.2 Mod+Apk Terbaru semoga informasinya bisa bermanfaat terima kasih atas kunjungannya dan selamat menikmati sajian terbaru dari kami.
Link download Heroes of 71 : Retaliation

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