Rival Kingdoms Age of Ruin V. MOD APK+DATA

Rival Kingdoms Age of Ruin V. MOD APK+DATA

Free Download Game Rival Kingdoms Age of Ruin V. MOD APK+DATA - Selamat malam sobat gamer. Bertemu lagi dengan argabos game android. Seperti biasanya saya akan berbagi game-game terbaru saya. Kali ini saya akan membagikan game android saya yang berjudul Heroes of the Rift V. MOD APK. Rival Kingdoms Age Of Ruin adalah online game strategi. ini adalah judul baru yang sangat mirip dengan beberapa bacaan benturan marga dan gelar serupa lainnya oleh yang ada adalah pertahanan sendiri mengatakan mencoba untuk membedakan sekarang dari kecelakaan di selatan awalnya di mana Anda pergi ke dalam permainan melakukan juta warga Somalia sebagai yang sama.

Rival Kingdoms Age of Ruin V. MOD APK+DATA
Rival Kingdoms Age of Ruin V. MOD APK+DATA
Rival Kingdoms Age of Ruin V. MOD APK+DATA
Rival Kingdoms Age of Ruin V. MOD APK+DATA

Pros :
  1. You can move multiple buildings quickly in a few taps.
  2. There are multiple “heroes” call Ancient that can be upgraded like RPG game with items collect during the war
  3. There is an option to battle in “Kingdom” with fellow allies
  4. Able to fast forward during a battle
  5. No need to wait for troops to be trained to attack next battle
  6. Tournament for individual PVP battle
  7. The graphics looks stunning

Cons :
  1. Obvious “speed up for free” subconscious training people to use the diamonds more often.
  2. The artificial intelligence sometimes is a little bit weird, e.g. drag & drop highlighted a building as nearest to attack but sometimes it will attack another building instead.
  3. One of the ancient is not a deployable hero? Not sure…that will be pretty boring haha.
  4. Builders cost too much diamonds?
  5. The small lag after a battle win to show the celebratory shouts by troops can probably be eliminated.
  6. Overall, this game is very playable and can be interesting what the developer can improve next.

What’s New : 
A big update containing new features and improvements.
  • New Feature: The Alchemy Workshop 
  • Now you can combine various resources you have gathered to craft valuable items such as Mithril. Check back often for new recipes and items.
  • New Feature: Gifting – Soon you will be able to buy gifts for your Kingdom mates (or any Rival Kingdoms player)
  • New Pyre events are on the way. Work together with your Kingdom to unlock new temporary troops and perks.

What’s In The MOD : 
  • Infinite Summoning Ability (Mana)

  • Requires Android: 4.1 and Up
  • Version:

Rival Kingdoms Age of Ruin V. MOD APK+DATA - Server 1
Rival Kingdoms Age of Ruin V. MOD APK+DATA - Server 2
Rival Kingdoms Age of Ruin V. MOD APK+DATA - Server 3

  • Install APK
  • Place data folder in SDCard/Android/Obb/
  • and play
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