Well Clash Royale is a super addicted game, even i am totally addicted to playing this epic game. There are chests which you get while battling other players. Those Chests are in different categories:
Silver Chest: Common Chest, Can be found easily (Requires 3 Hours to Open)
Gold Chest: Uncommon chest, Can be found easily (Requires 8 hours to open)
Giant Chest: Rare Chest, contains a lot of cards and golds (Requires 12 hours to open)
Magical Chest: Epic chest, Can be found easily if you win 50 chests, you can get one magical
Super Magical Chest: Super Epic chests. Chances are 1% in 1000 battles. and you can not predict this chest at all. It a luck by chance
Well Using this Chest Calculator you can easily predict what chest you will get if you win next battle. So here are the images. enjoy.
According to recent update and new chests introduced there might be some mismatch, ill update the tables if i get new info about chests. enjoy
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