GLTools [root] (gfx optimizer) V 1.99 Cracked APK Is Here ! [Latest]

GLTools is a custom OpenGLES driver (proxy), that is compatible with any known OpenGLES 2.0-compatible GPU + ARM or x86 processor. If you still don’t understand, what this app is, the closest known analog is Chainfire3D.
  • Change resolution and rendering bitness in any app, even if it doesn’t support that by default.
  • Change GPU name and enjoy enhanced graphics even on a noname low-end GPU.
  • Take full control over textures: now you can decompress/recompress them (even if your GPU doesn’t support that texture format) and resize. Note that decompression feature is available only if you’ll install a plugin (internet is required to do that)
  • Optimize shaders on-the-fly for optimal performance (the same optimizer is used in Unity3D engine by default)
  • Enable MSAA or CSAA in any app to improve graphics quality (make sure that your GPU supports that)
  • Measure gained performance with a nice onscreen FPS counter (or you can output FPS information to Logcat if you are a pro)
  • Read More ………
Warning : All Operation Are Performed At Your Own Risk ….. Requires Root Rights … But Developer say its 100% safe … 
How To Install ?
  1. Download A copy of this app.
  2. Install normally.
  3. Done !!! Enjoy !!!
gl tool1gl tool2
gl tool3
Android GLTools: Increase Gaming Performance

Download Link

/GLTools [root] (gfx optimizer) V 1.99 Cracked (18.3 MB )

Don`t use this program for the 13th day of each month Because, 13th every month check, and the app starts to exclude your device (and in this time to your system language it does not look, because in bionic libc no locales.) Coolhaker who hacked into, of course, can open IDA, but rewrite all the code it did not have enough patience.
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