eWeather HD, Alerts, Barometer Apk v5.7.3 Latest Version For Android

eWeather HD, Alerts, Barometer is a weather app for android
Google Play Price : $4.99
Google Play Rating : 4.7
Google Play Downloads : 100,000
Download Free From Rozapk
eWeather HD, Alerts, Barometer apk is a great app for Android.Its really amazing. Lot's of android users around the world download it.Now a days it's very popular on android smartphone. You can download it for free from Rozapk without any payments.Just download it from the below link and install it on your android smartphone. Before download the apk read the description properly.If it compatible with your android version then download it without any concern. If you Needs any help then comment here, i will try my best to solve your problem.

Download eWeather HD, Alerts, Barometer Apk v5.7.3 Latest Version For Android

eWeather HD, Alerts, Barometer is one of the best weather app for Android device.This is the first app in the world with weather, hurricane tracking, earthquakes and alerts widgets. eWeather HD is the most informative Android application about your environment: Current weather and weather forecasts from different weather providers, weather alerts, latest earthquakes, geomagnetic storm forecast, pressure change indicator, wind and moon and sun calendar, METAR.

eWeather HD, Alerts, Barometer Apk Free

  1. -Two world-renowned weather providers: Foreca and US weather provider,
  2. -365 days weather archive,
  3. -130,000 locations all over the world,
  4. -Solstice, Equinox, Polar night, Polar day, Solar eclipse, Lunar eclipse,
  5. -Twenty original widgets of the weather, time, moon phase, barometer, geomagnetic index, and UV index (1x1, 2x1, 2x2, 1x4, 4x1, 4x2, 3x3, 4x4, 5x2, 5x5 etc),
  6. -126 weather alert categories.
  7. -Ten day forecast,
  8. -Sea surface temperature,
  9. -Ten notification indicators in the status bar: temperature, moon phase, earthquakes, alerts, barometer etc,
  10. -Earthquakes widget on OpenStreetMap,
  11. -Weather Alerts (Advisory, Watch, or Warning) ,
  12. -Black ice and freeze warnings,
  13. -One-hundred latest earthquakes in the world on Google map,
  14. -Barometer with headache indicator,
  15. -Pressure forecast graph (Foreca only),
  16. -Moon phase, moon rise and moon set times,
  17. -Sunrise and sunset times,
  18. -Duration of the day,
  19. -World map with weather alerts, weather, earthquakes and local time.
  20. -Geomagnetic storm forecast,
  21. -Wind speed and directionality indicators in both 10-day and hour-by-hour forecasts (except Foreca),
  22. -24 hour by hour forecast
Requires : Android 4.0 and up
Size : 10 mb
Version : 5.7.3
How to install:
-Download apk from Rozapk
-Install The apk
-Run the App
-And enjoy it
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