Clash Royale Cheat : Show Rival Elixir Auto Open Chests Auto Drop Trophies

Clash Royale Cheat : Show Rival Elixir Auto Open Chests Auto Drop Trophies , Gold , Elixir, Trophy More
[1]Show Rival Elixir: With this feature, you can see realtime elixir of rival, planning attack time more wisely and precisely.
[2]Auto Open Chests: helps you open chests whenever possible.
[3]Auto Drop Trophies: get Crown chests more easily by dropping trophies automatically!
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Elixir will be displayed at the top left corner of the screen.

For Android. Please make sure you ROOT your device first.
For IOS make sure Iphone already Jailbroken

What is New
Show Rival Elixir: With this feature, you can see realtime elixir of rival, planning attack time more wisely and precisely.
Auto Open Chests: Auto open chests whenever possible.
Auto Drop Trophies: get Crown chests more easily by dropping trophies automatically!
It supports the latest version now! 
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Premium Cheat, Hack, Gold For Clash Royale can be download at VIP Member panel
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Tutorial :
Clash Royale Show Rival Elixir Mod: Find Better Attack Time
1.Make sure you have installed and updated the game: Clash Royale from Appstore or Google Play.
2.Enter Xmodgames App. Search for Clash Royale Entry. Tap to enter.
3.Update or install the mod first. Then tap to launch the mod.''
4.In the game you will see a tiny floating window a.k.a Xbot at the right edge of screen. Tap on it to call out the floating window control panel.
5.Tap on Xmod

6.You can see the feature 【Show Rival Elixir】: Tap on it to activate it. In the next battle, elixir will be automatically shown in the interface.

7.This feature allows you to see your rival's realtime elixir storage during the battle at the top left corner of the screen.
In this way, you can plan your attack timing more precisely and know if he's gonna rush you with low elixir troops or save elixir for a high elixir elite attack.'

 Enjoy and clash on!''

Clash Royale Auto Drop Trophies Mod

【Auto Drop Trophies】 is a new mod feature in Clash Royale.  

It helps you drop trophies to match with easier rivals so you can get Crown Chests in the Arena faster than others. It can help you drop 600 cups non-stop in just 20 mins! 30 cups/each loss.

  1. Simply first set "Trophy Lower Than" to set the target trophy to which you want to drop. e.g. 600 means the auto-dropping will cease when your cups are lower than 600 so your account will end up not higher than 600 cups.
  2. Then activate the auto drop trophies switch then the dropping will run automatically. Skipping cutscenes in between. You can still control the game if you like.
  3. Hint: Arenas will change +/-50 cups around the entry limit. You can use auto dropping to control your trophy range.

【Auto Open Chests】 has been optimized. When switched ON, it will open chests from the smallest (shortest cooldown) to the biggest (longest cooldown).
Hint: The feature relies on the foreground to be run. Please make sure you have turned off auto-lock and the game is not running in the background.  Enjoy!

Regards Team CheatCOCC
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