'Captain America: Civil War' Will Be the Longest Marvel Studios Film to Date

It's four minutes longer than the previous title holder, 2012's 'The Avengers.'

With more than 10 superheroes lining up for a fight, fans wondered just how bigCaptain America: Civil War was going to be. Now they have their answer — a running time of 2 hours and 27 minutes, Disney confirmed to The Hollywood Reporter.

At 147 minutes, Civil War will be the longest Marvel movie to date, coming in four minutes longer than the previous title holder, 2012's Marvel's The Avengers. Apparently, Marvel movies featuring teams of superheroes run long; last year's Avengers: Age of Ultron ran 141 minutes, with all other Marvel releases save 2014's Captan America: The Winter Soldier (136 minutes) clocking in around the two-hour mark.

For those looking for specifics, continuing down from longest to shortest, the remaining Marvel movies are: Iron Man 3 (130 minutes), Iron Man(126 minutes), Iron Man 2 (125 minutes),Captain America: The First Avenger (124 minutes), Guardians of the Galaxy (122 minutes), Ant-Man (117 minutes), Thor(114 minutes) and, matching each other for joint last place, The Incredible Hulk andThor: The Dark World (112 minutes).

Captain America: Civil War is likely to need the expanded length; in addition to pitting two teams of superheroes against each other and tying up the Winter Soldier plot left dangling in the previous Cap movie, the feature will also introduce two new players to the Marvel Cinematic Universe: Black Panther (Chadwick Boseman) and Spider-Man (Tom Holland).

While it may be the longest Marvel movie to date, it's far from the longest superhero movie released. This month'sBatman v Superman: Dawn of Justice runs 151 minutes, while 2012's The Dark Knight Rises ran an impressive 165 minutes.

'Captain America: Civil War'
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