Ten Things Top Performers Do Every Day

When you are an HR person like me, a big part of your job is to zip around from department to department. You  notice a lot, if you keep your eyes open. You see which managers are on their game and on the ball, and which managers think their job description is to stay in their office all day with their door closed.
You see which employees get the most done and have the most fun, and very often they are the same people! It’s fun to rock your job, and contrary to a lot of people’s opinion being a top performer does not mean sitting at your desk with your head down cranking out the work all day. Top performers take a higher-altitude view of their work.
They know what they have to get done every day — the big-ticket items that will move their agendas forward the fastest. Knocking off another five or six minor items on the never-ending To Do list is satisfying in the moment but when you get up tomorrow morning, your To Do list won’t be any shorter.
Top performers focus on the most critical goals every day. They bob and weave as circumstance require. They stay awake and alert, and most of all they listen to their own gut!
Here are ten things top performers do every day.
Plan The Day
It’s never a good idea to bound into your workplace and dive into whatever hits your eye first. Top performers plan their day. They might do it on the way home from work the night before or before they leave the office, but when they arrive at work they already know what they’re going to tackle first, second and third.
Set Intention
Top performers go to work with a goal every day. They set intention in their minds, like this: “Today I will get things straightened out with Julia about the pricing schedule and make sure she and I are good after our little argument yesterday. I will get the sales-by-customer reports to Becca and talk to Bruno about my vacation in June.”
They have lots of other things to do during the day apart from these three items, but they commit to handle the most important issues on their plates before they turn to other action items. Notice that your vacation time is a top priority!
Stay Awake And Alert
Work is a drug for a lot of people. They tune out the world when they’re coding or creating spreadsheets or deleting old email messages, and there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s okay to zone out as long as you stay alert to your surroundings. What is happening around you? What are the currents swirling about that you need to notice and attend to? A workplace is an energy field. Top performers never focus on the particles (reports, to-do items, schedules, etc.) and ignore the waves!
Stay on Path image by Molly for Forbes
Reshuffle Priorities As Needed
Your boss is sick and therefore your meeting with her won’t be taking place today? No problem! As a top performer you already know how to spend the time you had scheduled for your meeting with your boss. Top performers go with the flow. They take any disruption as a gift from Mother Nature. They say “This was obviously supposed to happen – so how can I make the most of it?”
Plan Ahead
People ask me every day “How do working people get promoted to higher-level jobs?” One of the principal things top performers get to be very good at is planning ahead. If you already know that you have to make a presentation in three weeks, you can easily schedule the work to be done for that presentation in tiny pieces over the three weeks between now and then. Almost every job has a planning aspect. You can plan in your head, on paper or on the screen. Top performers can tell you what the rest of their year at work looks like. Can you do the same?
Stay Cool
Work is a human place, and people experience strong emotions. Top performers stay cool and don’t take things personally. When something goes wrong and their boss says “This never should have happened!” they don’t rush to their own defense. The boss is most likely upset with him- or herself more than anyone else. They let other people’s emotions roll off their backs and they don’t hold grudges. What’s the point? They have a career to drive!
Keep Breathing When Things Go Wrong
It’s only in the movies and on TV that business runs perfectly. In the real world, any organization runs into roadblocks and speed bumps. Top performers say “Okay, how do we work around this?” They keep breathing. They know that all of this will pass.
Put People Ahead Of Process
Top performers know that incidents and situations are temporary. Relationships are long-lasting. People remember people and the kind or unkind things they do and say long after they’ve forgotten that your team met a particular goal or missed it. Top performers put people ahead of things, and processes and schedules and deadlines are all things.
Laugh It Off
I’m sure that you have witnessed somebody blowing his or her top in a meeting at least once. It’s awkward for everyone in the room when somebody loses his cool in a meeting, gets red in the face and has a temper tantrum that may remind you of your three-year-old nephew when the juice from his peas ran into his mashed potatoes.
Top performers don’t freak out even if somebody says something unprofessional to them. They laugh it off. What is the win at work, after all? The win is to not to throw out the coldest insults or to stab somebody else in the back to show them who’s smarter. Top performers take calamities in stride and sail above office politics to focus on the important stuff.
The last thing top performers do every day is reflect. Fast-forward mode is a great mode to cultivate but it’s not the only speed your engine needs. If you can stop and consider your actions and words several times every day, you’ll gain more altitude on your job and your career as well.
I used to walk around the building to clear my head. I would sing opera in the warehouse where the acoustics were the best. Warehouse employees would hear me and say “Since you’re here, can you weigh in on a disagreement we’re having?
Work at its best is human and joyful. You won’t feel like a winner if you hit your goals and please your manager by grinding yourself into the dust cranking out deliverables and destroying your health by stressing about your goals and deadlines. Top performers keep their equilibrium. In 150 years none of your workplace drama will matter. Can you keep your focus on the important stuff and let the small stuff take care of itself?

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