Wi-Fi BRuteforce Hack pro v1.0.37

 WIfi BRuteforce Hack pro
This app supports queueing, custom dictionaries, bruteforce generator and advanced monitoring!
The application supports two types of test
  •  Dictionary test – it tries passwords from predefined list one by one. Please don’t be disappointed if the password will not be found, it simply means that it was not in the dictionary. However, if somebody set his key to “12345678” or “password” it will be detected. This version supports importing of your own dictionaries, so you are no longer limited by pre-installed dictionaries.
  •  Bruteforce test – you can select alphabet, lenght of password and the app will try all combinations of characters in the alphabet. Of course this is complete madness because the number of combinations is growing exponentially with password length. Therefore the app supports custom alphabet and custom mask. If you know that the password is something like hacker and two digits you can set mask to hacker[x][x] and select the digits alphabet. The app will try all passwords like hacker00, hacker01 through hacker99!
What’s New?
  • fixed occasional crash on exit
  • Still 0 bug finally gone!
  • App is killed when using exit button.
How to install ?
  1.  In order to skip license verification first you must be disconnected from internet when you run this app , it will automatically connects you or turns your wifi on
  2.  Or use lucky patcher for preventing it from license verification
    check these options in lucky patcher
    auto mode, other patches, apply patch to delvick cache, back up apk file for reinstaller
ss1 wi hck

This Application Sometimes Required licence So, please use Lucky Patcher to Use this Application.
And need to clarify that we are not Responsible if you create any problem by using this APP
Download Links
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