Swipe Left To Unsubscribe From A Newsletter On Your iPhone

If there’s one thing Tinder has proved it’s that swiping left is the easiest way to reject something and never have to see it again. Tinder made swiping left synonymous with saying No and lots of apps that have been developed since use the gesture as though it were ordained by Apple or Google. Unroll.Me is no different; it’s an app that connects with your email account and finds all the newsletters that you’ve subscribed to. It then presents each newsletter as a card that you can swipe left to get rid of and swipe right to keep receiving. It also comes with a Roll Up feature that lets you combine newsletters into one single daily digest for better and improved reading.

Install the app and sign up with your email address. The app will access your emails and ask for permission to read and modify them. Once you’ve signed up to the service, allow it to scan your inbox for newsletters.


Unroll.me will then present each newsletter as a card. The card shows you who the newsletter is from along with its subject. Swipe left on the card to unsubscribe from it, swipe right to keep getting it, and roll up, i.e. swipe upwards to include it in the daily newsletter digest that Unroll.Me will create especially for you.

unroll-me-swipe unroll-me-summary

Any time you would like to change which newsletters you get, you can tap the edit button at the top and view a complete summary of how a newsletter is dealt with, and change it. The app supports a list view for newsletters that you can switch to in place of the card-like interface. The app will alert you when you have a new newsletter email if you enable notifications from it. Unroll.Me is very specific in terms of what it does but it is incredibly useful.

Any time you would like to change which newsletters you get, you can tap the edit button at the top and view a complete summary of how a newsletter is dealt with, and change it. The app supports a list view for newsletters that you can switch to in place of the card-like interface. The app will alert you when you have a new newsletter email if you enable notifications from it. Unroll.Me is very specific in terms of what it does but it is incredibly useful.

Install Unroll.Me From The App Store

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