Download WWE Raw Judgement Day Total Edition PC Game

Raw Judgement Day Total Edition Highly Compressed

WWE Raw Judgement Day Total Edition is a wrestling game released in PC, Play Station 2 and Microsoft Windows. This is the first installment in wrestling series that is developed by 2K Studios and published by THQ Studios. It was released in 2007 and I have also uploaded WWE 2K15 PC game and WWE Showdown 2 download link. This is a few information that I wanted to share with you, now it is time to have a look on the screenshots.

WWE Raw Judgement Day Total Edition PC Game Screenshots

Raw Judgement Day Free Download Full Version
This match is between Undertaker and Kane, Undertaker is beating his finishing move to Kane and their is a feature named as finishing move, whenever a player beats his opponent enough that his power bar starts lightning, he can then beat a finishing move which is very powerful then all other grappling moves.
WWE Raw Judgement Day Free Download
This match is between Batista and Edge, you can see the power of Batista and Edge, Batista power bar is lightning red whereas Edge power bar is not lightning, this means that Batista can easily beat him by using his finishing move.
WWE Raw Judgement Day Total Edition
This match is between John Cena and Stone Cold Steve Austin, they two are very popular and dangerous players. Reason of being powerful and dangerous is that, there finishing move is very dangerous and opponent can easily give up after being beaten by there finishing move.

How To Install?

Installation process is very easy, just follow instructions given in this article.
  1. Download both parts of this game
  2. After downloading, extract part 1 with the help of Winrar
  3. After extraction open folder and install
  4. When installation is completed, open installed directory
  5. Play and enjoy
  6. That's it
This is the way of installation and I hope this is very easy, just follow instructions given in this point and no one can stop you playing this game on your PC.

System Requirements

Operating System (OS) = Windows XP, Windows 7+8 and Windows Vista 32 and 64 Bit
Processor = 1.8 GHz
RAM (Random Access Memory) = 256 MB
Total Disk Space Required = 1.5 GB
Video Memory (VGA Card) = 64 MB

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