Lightning Launcher V12.7b2 Apk

Lightning Launcher V12.7b2 Apk

Free Download Lightning Launcher V12.7b2 Apk - Lightning Launcher merupakan sebuah Launcher yang memiliki banyak customize yang dapat anda padukan untuk anda aplikasikan pada tampilan layar ponsel smartphone yang anda miliki. Memang seperti kita ketahui banyak sekali Launcher yang menawarkan banyak sekali fitur yang tersedia di dalamnya dan memiliki tampilan yang begitu elegan, namun Lightning Launcher sendiri merupakan salah satu yang memiliki itu semua di tambah dengan kecepatan yang begitu hebat untuk anda gunakan. Bagi anda yang ingin merasakan kehebatan serta keunggulan yang dimiliki oleh aplikasi yang satu ini, anda dapat memilikinya secara gratis.

Lightning Launcher V12.7b2 Apk

  • Highly customizable desktop : change font, size, color, wallpaper, grid lines, folder options, status/navigation bar colors, layouts, scrolling & zooming options, events, actions, gestures, pretty much everything.
  • Unique limitless desktop : a desktop is a surface growing as needed, in all directions. Move an icon to the right or left and a new page will be automatically created. And it works for pages above and below too! This means as much space as needed for your apps, and also a much more efficient navigation.
  • As many desktops as needed : one for private, work, party, kids, etc. Add, remove and re-arrange desktops at will, each desktop being an independent and unlimited setup.
  • Combined grid and free positioning : use the grid to easily align apps, use free positioning to adjust the size, position and rotation of any item (including widgets).
  • Pinned items : prevent any item from moving when scrolling your pages. This is handy to create docked elements anywhere on the screen, and more.
  • Scripting support : use JavaScript to unleash the full Lightning power. Load user contributed scripts to extend your setup, or create your own. With Lightning Launcher scripts, only sky is the limit!
  • And lots more : enhanced app drawer, panels, Tasker integration, Lock screen, etc. Please visit the developers homepage for detailed feature list, manual and how to’s.

  • Fix various crashes related to the app drawer.
REQUIRED : Android OS 2.2 And Up.

FILE SIZE : 801.42 KB

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