Beautiful Wilderness Survival Adventure ‘Firewatch’ Releases on February 9

Beautiful Wilderness Survival Adventure ‘Firewatch’ Releases on PC & PS4 on February 9.
San Fransisco based studios, Campo Santo, announced the release date of their upcoming mystery adventure Firewatch, which will release on February 9, simultaneously on the PlayStation 4, PC, Mac and Linux.

Campo Santo explain:
“Right now we’re still polishing, optimizing, writing, and developing the last bits of the game, but we can’t wait to put it out there for you to play. Our goal is a worldwide simultaneous release!”
“We’ll have much more to say in the lead-up to February 9, as well as some opportunities for folks to get an early hands-on.”
Firewatch is a mystery set in the Wyoming wilderness, where your only emotional lifeline is the person on the other end of a handheld radio.

Players take the role of fire lookout, Henry, tasked to look for smoke and keep the wilderness safe. A woman named Delilah, available for you on the radio, is your only contact with the world you’ve left behind.

With a somewhat simple but striking visual style, Firewatch creates the perfect atmosphere, and the beautiful acting generates an immersive dynamic, that pulls you right into the experience in an adventure of survival and discovery.
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