Imagine for Instagram
Imagine is a Material design Instagram client with landscape and tablet support.
Notifications, direct messages and adding comments. At this time we can only provide a workaround to add comments that we are continuously improving.
Free Features
- upload photos and videos from camera or gallery
- view your feed
- view comments
- like posts + view who liked a post
- view posts you’ve liked
- view user profiles
- follow/unfollow users
- Search for users and tags
- view followers/following
- View popular posts
- no ads
- switch between multiple accounts (viewing only)
- share posts
- repost
- view nearby posts
- open side menu from your profile
- open your profile by tapping your profile image in the side menu
- improved commenting
- many bugfixes and performance improvements
- new implementation of zooming images
- Uninstall any previous version of Imagine (IF INSTALLED)
- Download and Install Paid APK From The Links Given Below
- Done, Enjoy
Imagine for Instagram v2.9 Paid APK (4 MB) / Mirrors
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