How to Root Any Android Device Without A PC.
Welcome to the Gamers04 “How to Root” guide.
Do you want to root your android device but couldn’t do so as you couldn’t understand the confusing process of rooting using your pc.
Now You can.
Gamers04 Google Guy presents,
Direct Download LinkRoot Your Android Device Without a PC.
This guide will let you root high end devices like Samsung Galaxy S6, Sony Z3 and as well as low end like Asus Zenfone,Zte,Micromax and Motorolla.
For those new to the world of rooting, root access is often used to install custom recoveries, which then can be used to flash custom ROMs, kernels, and other device modifications. Root access also enables users to install the powerful and versatile Xposed Framework, which itself acts as a gateway to easy, non-destructive device modification.
But after rooting be sure to install a SuperUser app which allows root to only devices which you recognize and save you from harmfull apps.
SuperUser – KingUser (To Unroot And Root)
One such usefull superuser app is KingUser by KingxTeam.It is the best alternative to SuperSu..and that too with android L material Design
Root your device using:
KINGROOT – One click root tool.
KingRoot is an amazing tool for “lazy people” who just want to get root access but don’t want to flash any third party Recovery into their lovely device. It is one of the most famous root tool in China and now we release English version here for everyone, totally free and without AD.
FRAMAROOT – Root almost all devices.
Now you can root your android device without PC, just use framaroot. This app including several exploits named as the heroes of the book “The Lord of the Rings” Gandalf, Boromir, Pippin, Legolas, Sam, Frodo, Aragorn and Gimli. You can install Superuser and su binary on phone or tablet from android version 2.x to 4.x.
TOWELROOT – If nothing works ..This will.
Created by Recognized Developer geohot, Towelroot is another root exploit app that is compatible with a large range of devices. The root exploit itself is built around Linux kernel CVE-2014-3153 discovered by hacker Pinkie Pie, and it involves an issue in the Futex subsystem that in turn allows for privilege escalation.So to sum it up..It ROOTS your device

iRoot has the advanced android root engine and secure android root technique make the success rate more than 90%.
Now more than 150,000 devices from Android OS 2.2 to 4.4 are supported by iRoot. This number is still growing.
You will be master of your android phone with just one click to root or unroot your android phone!
How to Install And Root ? (For all Apps)
- Download the apks and install.
- Open.
- Do any one from below.
- Kingroot – Click root..Done.
- Framaroot – Choose Supersu and any character below…Done.
- Towelroot- Click Make it rain…Done.
- Done,Enjoy your rooted device.
Kingroot v4.1.0 Apk (6.42 mb) |Framaroot v1.9.3 Apk (1.25 mb)|Towelroot Apk (0.11 mb) |iRoot Apk (4.2 mb) |KingUser v4.0.5 Apk (1.58 mb)|
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