Download Clash of Clans APK Latest Version 7.156.1 - Update 1 July 2015 -

Download Clash of Clans APK Latest Version 7.156.1 - Update July 2015 -

Direct Download Link COC APK Version 7.156.1:

Clash of Clans apk file Information:

File name: com.supercell.clashofclans-v7.156.1-598-Android-4.0.3.apk
Version: 7.156.1 (598)
Uploaded: July 1, 2015 at 2:56PM GMT+00
File size: 46.92MB (49,201,538 bytes)
Minimum Android version: Android 4.0.3+ (Ice Cream Sandwich, API 15)
MD5: 423ccaff0790d70b38c49a3dcd27297e
SHA1: 06ad39b9cd6323af543e532c7a156d68fe35287a

What's New on Update July 2015

The time we all were waiting for has arrived. A Maintenance break to update the game has just started. Soon we will be able to see and experience the changes in both the game play and the new features of the Clash of Clans July 2015 summer update. For the convenience of my blog visitors I will be posting a detailed snapshot of all the changes that will take place in this update.

For all of you who have missed out on the sneak peeks, below are the links to the five sneak peeks that have been released since the last 5 days. The sneak peeks are too promising. We are just hoping that the update is up-to-the-mark! I am particularly looking forward to the level 5 dragons and the haste spell. These are the two most important changes in game play and I am wondering how they will impact town hall 9 and town hall 10 players.
To help our blog readers understand the implications of the Summer (July) 2015 Update of Clash of Clans and what will be the impact of the changes, visit our special section on the July 2015 Update Analysis pages. The insights provided therein will help you understand how the update will impact you on town hall 8, 9 and 10.
I am also very excited about the new spell factory and the other two dark spells. Many other changes and modifications accompany this July 2015 update of Clash of Clans and a full detailed features list will be published by us shortly, so please visit back to view a full detailed analysis of the other features that have been added in this Summer 2015 update of Clash of Clans. For now I leave you with the five sneak peeks. Hopefully the update will take a maximum of 2 hours. See you guys later and happy clashing!

1. Dragon Level 5

Just in on Clash of Clans Facebook Page the first sneak peek of the official Clash of Clans July 2015 upcoming update. What a pretty sight!
All of us have been eagerly awaiting and wanting to know what will be the features of the July 2015 update which has been delay due to extensive testing and retesting. There was even a maintenance break which was rumored to have been created in order to do intermediary testing of the new features of the game in order to finalize what will and will not be included in the July 2015 update.
Finally the first sneak peek is out and the level 5 dragon looks quite fierce. With fire surrounding all over the image, the level 5 dragon takes the theme from the level 3 hound in terms of color.
So, what can we expect with the level 5 dragon? will it be something that will help completely annihilate Town Hall 10s?? What will be the increase in health and the increase in fire power of the dragon? One thing is certain, the dragon upgrade will cost a total of 8 Million elixir. This we can say with certainty, because the dragon (level 4) costs 8 Million elixir already. So, logically speaking the upgrade cost of the Dragon to Level 4 will be reduced to around 7 Million elixir and the new level 5 Dragon will cost 8 Million.
Keep tuned in to find out about the other statistics of the level 5 Dragon including:
  • The Damage Per Second of Level 5 Dragons,
  • Hit Points of Level 5 Dragons,
  • Training Cost of Level 5 Dragons and,
  • The Actual Upgrade Cost to Level 5 Dragons.
Also included is an additional air sweeper at town hall 9 and a also a new training button that can help you train troops together without opening each barrack. Something like a train all button to make troops training easier.
My guess is that this air sweeper will help town hall 9 players to defend well against level 5 dragons. Also, this additional air will assist town hall 10 players to fend off level 5 dragon attacks. Let’s see!
Personally, I never use dragons at Town Hall 10 I have not even upgraded them to level 4 as I see my other clan mates suffer with them (specially in clan wars). But, if the hit points are considerably higher and if there some improvement in their movement and targeting, then I am sure level 5 Dragons will come in play! Personally I feel that the level 5 dragons will give you an option to 2 star Town Hall 10s in clan wars. However they will be elixir costly!
Please post your comments and what you think about this sneak peek. Next sneak peek (July 2015 upcoming update sneak peek #2) will be released tomorrow. So, keep tuned in to find out latest update information and news and keep clashing!

2. New League 

This particular change in league will it impact farming and will it impact the farming win loot. Will the farming win loot be increased? Will anyone ever reach these higher leagues? The two new leagues being introduced include the “Titan League” and the “Legend League”. Are they really needed? One thing is for sure, these league will not help in any way for Town Hall 9 and lower players. So, are all major changes only directed toward Town Hall 10 players? Will the introduction of leagues upto 5000 trophies create a gap in between where it will now be easier to climb trophies for the lower town hall players? All this needs to experienced.
We are expecting the third sneak peek tomorrow. Eventually, we expect a 4th sneak peek day after tomorrow and the update on 29th or 30th July 2015. Expecting more goodies and even better features and troop changes in the third sneak peek of the July 2015 update of Clash of Clans. It’s getting more and more exciting and we are all wondering what in store next.
What do you think? If you are also as excited as I am about the July 2015 update of Clash of Clans, then, keep tuned in. Also you can share and advise us if you are satisfied with the update or were you expecting something different? Do post all your concerns and feedback on

3. New Spell

The goodies are being unveiled. It seems that this July 2015 Clash of Clans update is most definitely one of the bigger and interesting updates which is bringing to the fore new and exciting features, troops and buildings that all of us will soon start loving. Within this Sneak peek No.3 of Clash of Clans July 2015 Update, not only are we introduced to the new dark elixir spell factory, but also, the “Poison Spell“.

A New Spell Factory Called the Dark Spell Factory!

A new Spell factory is being brought about starting at Town Hall 8. It’s called the dark spell factory because it allows you to create spells with the dark elixir. The first spell that has been introduced is called the “Poison Spell” this spell can be used in attacks against low health clan castle troops like: Archers, Barbarians, Minions, Witches and to some extent wizards as well. The spell creates a small ring of poisonous gases that start impacting the troops and reducing their hit points. Only time will tell as to how effective this spell will be. One thing is certain, this spell is basically useful in clearing out low health clan castle troops. Only level 1 spell factory is available as of now. Hopefully we will higher level dark spell factory in the near future.

The Poison Spell in Action

The poison spell creates a circle of poisonous gases. Any troops (of the defending base) which are within that circle get impacted with this spell and start losing their health gradually. The poison spell works on both ground and air troops. However it has slight health diminishing impact, thus it works best on low hit point troops to eliminate them completely. The highest level that you can upgrade a “Poison Spell” is up to level 4. At level 4 the spell lasts for around 15 seconds. As compared to normal spells, dark elixir spells occupy half the space i.e., 2 dark elixir spells will take the space of a normal spell. The damage that a level 4 poison spell does is around 8 hit points per second and it lasts for around 15 seconds, so, the total damage one poison spell does on a troop is around 15 x 8 = 120 hit points. Thus, 2 poison spells should be sufficient to take out level 6 wizards.

One poison spell is enough to take out all minions, barbarians and archers, however, for wizards level 4 and higher, 2 poison spells are needed.

Extra Spells Can Now Be Queued

Another feature of the July 2015 update of Clash of Clans is that now you can queue your spell production. So, while your spells are already occupying space available within the spell factory, you can queue the same number of spells in production. Quite a useful change I believe.
Hope you guys have already started falling in love with the July 2015 update of Clash of Clans. More goodies and another final 4th sneak peek will follow tomorrow before the release of the update which may happen on 30th July or 1st July 2015. Do keep posting your comments and what you think about this sneak peek. Cheers and happy clashing!

The Earthquake Spell in Action

Below is a screen capture of the use of an earthquake spell on a town hall. Notice how the ground below and around the town hall has cracked open. Although not too much percentage damage is one to the town hall, the important thing is that the earthquake spell takes out a good number of hit points from high hit point buildings. Also notice the range of the spell is quite limited and thus the spell will be most effective on clustered buildings where it can inflict damage to high hit point defense buildings like the Inferno towers so that your troops spend less time in taking them out.

Storages will NOT Take Damage From Lightening or Earthquake Spells

Another key feature of the July 2015 update is that the storages are now immune to damage from both the Lightening and the Earthquake spells. So now you don’t need to worry of the dark elixir which used to get looted with lightening spells. Now it will be most difficult for everyone to loot dark elixir. So, this is one good reason you should upgrade your town hall to level 10 in order to get the additional dark elixir drill which will probably become one of the key methods to gain dark elixir. Let’s see how the game play will get impacted with this new development.

Introducing the Haste Spell – Another Dark Elixir Spell

Just like the rage spell, only this one occupies half the space and has a smaller range. Although the haste spell increases the advancement speed of the troops it does in no way improve the attacking ability. Thus, as compared to the rage spell which helps increase both the speed and the attack ability of the troops, the haste spell only works one way i.e., it increases the speed of the troops. The other difference is that the haste spell actually increases the speed of the troops much faster than the rage spell. So it can easily be used on slow troops which take too long to move or have low movement speed. Examples of troops that the haste spell will help most are Golems, Giants,Pekkas, Heors and Hounds. Be prepared to see these troops run through your base. Something that was never possible earlier.

4. Language Support 

Arabic and Chinese Language Support

Along with the introduction of three dark elixir spells : the poison spell, the earthquake spell and the haste spell, supercell has decided to reward majority of their players by introducing support for various languages including Arabic and Chinese! So, now you can play the game in your own language. Off late we have noticed that Supercell is getting more customer friendly. One such example is that the dark elixir barrack along with the spells was demanded and posted on the Supercell forum in April 2014. Supercell has actually accepted the advise due to huge demand for it and implemented it in the July 2015 update. Other thing is that most of the people playing Clash of Clans hail from China and Middle-East and thus they are now supporting both the regional languages to improve the game’s acceptance.
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