Create Keyboard Shortcut to Open Any Program in Windows

Create or make Own Keyboard Shortcut to Open Any Program in Windows PC
Hi friends,

You may think about why you should create these types of shortcut. Because, sometimes it becomes necessary to open a particular program while performing a particular job in your computer, in such condition you can simply open that program by just pressing the shortcut key on your keyboard in 1 second otherwise you have to search the software/program first and then open it. or whenever you wants to open any particular program in that case also you can use that shortcut without spending your valuable time. As a result it can save your time.

Steps to Create Keyboard Shortcut:

  • First of all right click on the program/software for which you want to make shortcut.
  • Just click on properties as shown in picture below.
Right click on program, create own keyboard shortcut
  • Now go to shortcut tab (ignore if you are already there) and click in shortcut key field. By default it will show None as shown in below picture.
Create custom keyboard shortcut in windows
  • Now just press any letter from A to Z on your keyboard also you can use functions key after that you will see Ctrl + Alt + Letter. e.g. Suppose we have typed the letter G then you will see Ctrl + Alt + G there.
  • Once you complete above step, just click on Apply and then OK.
make own shortcut to open any software
  • That's it, your shortcut is ready to use and now you can test it by pressing the shortcut you have made.


In this article i explained about how to create own keyboard shortcut in 5 seconds. So why not to take advantages of this windows feature. It will save a lots of time You can give feedback regarding any content of this blog.
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