Dota 2 Download for PC Free

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Dota 2 also known as the Defense Of The Ancients is created by Valve and it is available for download free for PC. Dota 2 is the game that was developed by the valve corporation with a new type of game in mind that had the uniqueness of the single player games in which the person controls a single character and also the use of strategy and tactics that one gets from the games such as Age Of Empire and Command and Conquer Generals. Dota 2 is kind of like Warcraft but the main game play trait of Dota 2 is the single control of the character in the battlefield.

The player is given a choice to choose a character also known as Heroes in Dota 2. The Heroes are creatures that a player controls. The Heroes possess different traits that are different from other Heros. The choice of the character is crucial in the game as good team work is needed for winning matches. Also the game is unique in a way because there is no single player in the game, the game consists of online multiplayer and one other unique thing about Dota 2 is that the game only has 1 map. The map is made in such a way that players are positioned in far corners of the maps and on the far corners of the maps the players are grouped into teams.

Each Team consists of individual heroes that can be chosen only once in the entire match whether it be the players team or the opposing time. In the base of each team there are 2 divine structures called Ancients. The main objective of the game is to stop the opposing team from taking out your Ancient. besides heroes in the game there are other NPC(Non Playable Character) in the game. These NPC are armed and they are automatically controlled by the Computer and are ordered to go to the ancients directly without stopping in the way. These NPCS are used for farming(Collecting money for buying items) and also deterrent to hinder the movement of enemy heroes. In my opinion the game is a must play for every gamer and Dota 2 download is available here.

In each map there are 3 lanes Top Bottom and Mid, these lanes are pathways to the enemy base depending on which side you are. In these lanes there are 3 towers per lane these towers inflict damage to enemy Heroes and NPCs alike, these are barriers that must be crossed to go the enemy ancients. It is not usually necessary but these help a lot in defending and fending off enemy troops.

Dota 2 is really a widespread game in the world and it is considered to be really addicting. the gameplay is extremely well made and the satisfaction of winning is just out of this world. The players are frequently awarded with prizes after matches such as custom suits for the heroes and different items and also people are punished for abandoning their team by leaving the game mid match which results in banning the player to play in the community for some numbers of game. during that time the player is allowed to play with other players who were banned for a number of games.


Dota 2 Wiki is the place where all the player of Dota can go to search for any kind of queries about the game. There are tips and tricks of the game displayed there and different top notch professional players reside there to share their experience about the game in the forums. There is also a detailed list of all the heroes there that a player can use to find out for their particular Hero. Dota 2 being developed by valve is free for download.


Dota 2 Store is the market place that a player can use to purchase different items for their heroes different armor and spells. The place is a must visit place for any dota player to see for themselves the hustle and bustle there. Dota 2 download is here u can download it and see for yourself.


Dota 2 Lounge is kind of like the store but there the players can watch live matches bet on matches that are currently happening and they can watch professional matches that are taken place there.






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