ExciteBike Game for PC and Android

If you are a lover of bike riding games, and are fed up playing Racer, Need for Speed, Super Bike Games, and other such Free PC games, than ExciteBike would be very interesting for you.
ExciteBike Game

ExciteBike Overview

The Game was developed by Nintendo and was published by Nintendo and Hudson Soft.
ExciteBike was first launched in 1984 and was first in the game series of Excite series.

It a bike racing game that can be played in both modes, Single Player and Multiplayer.
ExciteBike Game free download for PC
Excite bike is among the games which are quite old and famous since several decades. It is a motor bike racing game. The gamer has an option to select whether he has to ride the bike alone or with some opponents. The opponents would be the riders of computer bots. The first round which is the preliminary stage is the qualifying round in which the gamer who is riding the bike needs to qualify for the champion ship. In order to qualify for the champion ship or excite bike, the rider has to prove his riding skills and has to secure at least third position or better. Whenever a new record is made or a better performance is shown, additional points can be earned. The gamer also has an option, before the start of the game, to select the track which he likes to ride on.
ExciteBike download

ExciteBike Control Keys

The gamer can control the motor cycle positions, and can also control the speed and acceleration of the bike. The B button is for high speed but by using B button for speed for quite some time, the temperature level of the bike goes high and it turns red which is shown at the below bar of the screen. Once the meter crosses the red limit, the rider has to stop for few seconds so that the motor cycle can get cool down. Some add-ons are also available during the ride which, if gained, can be very useful because they bring back the temperature level down. If the rider’s bike collides with the bike of opponent, or gets damaged or crashed, they will fall down from the bike to the garden. The gamer than has to press A and B again and again so that the rider stands up and run backs to his bike to start the ride again.
ExciteBike Game free download

ExciteBike System Requirements

P-200, 32 MB RAM
Operating systems: Windows 9x/2K/WinXP/Vista/7

ExciteBike Game Summary

This bike racing game which we shared today is one of those games which can't be reviewed in few words, but in short, if we are asked to summarize the whole thing in one sentence, We will say " The best super bike racing games ever produced!"

ExciteBike Download

So friends, I hope you will like best ever produced free bike game. So after reading this complete review, Click below to Download ExciteBike.

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