Root Explorer v3.3.3 Apk (Best File Manager)

Root Explorer v3.3.3 Apk (Best File Manager) - Menu to explore the file and folder directories (file manager) on an android is a program that is highly and must exist. Application Root Explorer is very important, where this program serves to browse the files in your android device. However, some shortcomings in the File Manager default android is less complete, can be viewed in terms of access rights browse folders, or not be able to explore the folders Android deeper and hidden.

Root Explorer apk is one of the best file manager application which have been of features and full access to be able to crawl all the files and folders directories Android, including into the system folder. With Root Explorer you can move files on the Android folder to place that can not be opened by the default file manager android.

Root Explorer is one of the best file manager for android devices, with a view that is quite complete and simple but has a highly optimized functions. Application file manager that this one is very popular among Android users, due to overhaul the system has the features contained in a file that no other manager. With root access has been done in an android device, then we can be free to take action with the help of Root Explorer modding it. Besides having these advantages, application Root Explorer also functions like a file manager in general, its use is also quite easy because it has fast navigation system.

Root Explorer

Root Explorer

The latest version of Root Explorer is 3.3.3 which is now equipped with more powerful features to customize your files. Optimized performance in dealing with managing activities such as copy and paste, Unpack the file, as well as the modification of the file group. With many features found in Root Explorer application not be surprised if this becomes top paid app at a price $ 4.11.

Limited access to reach the entire Android system makes developers Speed ​​Software released Root Explorer application used to access the entire system on any Android phone. With this application, users can completely change the whole system in accordance with their capabilities. Through the application Root Explorer is also the user can open the files with the previous format can not be recognized, such as .zip format.

When running Root Explorer, users can view a variety of data related to their mobile phones. If the user is already familiar with the programming language, the user will be easier to run this application. In general, there will be two major parts, namely the root and parts storage. One of the usability of the application Root Explorer is the easiest to understand is when the user is already very fond of an application such as an application or a game that is more useful applications and other users do not want the application is removed from their cell phones. By going through this application users can change the settings so that the application can not be removed in a simple way as some applications generally.

Root Explorer AndroidRoot Explorer File Manager

How To Use Root Explorer

How to change the settings desired application is not easily erased is changing the rules of the R/W to R/O. Then the user must hold the intended application and then select the permissions and input the code rw-r--r--. Automatically these settings are saved and the application will change as the user desires. Other uses of this application is to turn off the function from the menu Sleeptime. When the user clicking inactivating this option, then the user's mobile phone screen will continue to burn. Obviously this will affect the battery from the phone but this can be very useful for those who are in need.

Download And Instal Root Explorer

You can download latest version of Root Explorer here:

Root Explorer v3.3.3 Apk
System required: varies based os +
App Name: com.speedsoftware.rootexplorer
Latest Version: Root Explorer v3.3.3 Apk
Previous Version : Root Explorer v3.3.2 Apk
Price: $ 4.11
Size: 2 MB
Creator: Speed Software -
Publisher : Google Play Store
Support: can be installed for Android 2.3+ (Android Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Ice Cream Sandwich, Jelly bean, kitkat and above)
Root Explorer Apk Root Explorer v3.3.3 Apk

What's New

Root Explorer v3.3.3 Apk
  • Updated to latest Dropbox SDK
  • A few tweaks and fixes
Some similar applications with Root Explorer, among others Room Toolbox Pro, Battery Doctor (Battery Saver), or Swype keyboard. The usefulness of these other applications that are not much aware of the users are doing emphasis on every capacity of an application so that the user will obtain a greater capacity. If users observe, there will be a difference in the resolution of the image before and after the user using Root Explorer app. However, this will not change the performance of any existing applications. This applications is not free, Users can download Root Explorer if it is willing to pay.
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