Root Explorer v3.3.2 Apk (File Manager)

Root Explorer v3.3.2 Apk (File Manager) - The latest version of Root Explorer has been updated from the best file manager application in android, root explorer 3.3.2 for android. Root explorer Apk is android application serves to organize files (file manager) in SD card of your android phone, such as photos, music, videos, documents, etc. are preferred to the root user (actually there is also Root Explorer for non-root users).

The main features of the Root Explorer v3.3.2 Apk is you get full access, edit, delete and add files that are on your android phone system (root users only). Root Explorer is an android application that is used to manage all the contents of files on micro SD Card and the internal memory of your android smartphone. There we can put some mp3 files, videos, documents, images, etc. are neatly arranged.

By using Root Explorer then our performance is lighter and easier to search for a file that we will use Android or we want to remove. Because of all the files that Android has been collected therein by the name of the folder according to its contents.

Root Explorer

Root Explorer

Root Explorer is an application that must be owned by users who have rooted Android smartphone. Root Explorer besides useful to facilitate your search for Android file, root explorer also allows you to change the data contents of the systems that exist on your Android smartphone. Root explorer allows you to take full control of your Android smartphone. With root explorer you can freely modify your android system like removing the factory default file system, replacing the factory default APK Android system, even you can also change your boot animation manually while learning to modify itself. That's the reason why Root Explorer highly obliged to be owned by the user rooted Android devices.

One of the popular file manager application is the application Root Explorer. Many android smartphone users are already familiar with this one application. Because the application Root Explorer has a very complete feature once, such as Display a SQLite database on Android, Text Editor on Android, Create and extract zip or tar file / .gzip, Extract the rar file on Android, Multi-Selected, Execute modifications Android scripts, Android file search, Permissions, Bookmark, Send files Android (via email, Bluetooth, etc), Thumbnail image, Appearance APK binary XML, Change file owner / group, Create a symbolic link, Facility "Open With".

Root Explorer AndroidRoot Explorer File Manager

Lots of changes from the previous version of Root Explorer. Currently Root Explorer application can already use multiple tabs feature. You can alternately see some Android file location without having to touch the back button.

Application Root Explorer also features writing reader application, or to write a feature article. So to see Android in the form of text files without the need to open additional application to view it. Very complete all the features offered by the application Root Explorer.

Coupled with Root Explorer display dynamic application makes it easier to use the file manager on this one. You can also extract and compress files Android with ease. In addition, the application Root Explorer also supports many different file types.

And possible application Root Explorer is one of the alternative application default file manager of your android phone. In addition you can also try ZArchiver android application. Which functions both as a file manager. But suggest you've rooted android phone, so it can use Root Explorer application freely.

Root Explorer ApkRoot Explorer v3.3.2 Apk

How To Download and Install Root Explorer

Download Root Explorer v3.3.2 Apk here

Root Explorer v3.3.2 Apk - created by
System required: varies based os +
App Name: com.speedsoftware.rootexplorer
Latest Version: v3.3.2
Price: $ 3.99
Size: 2 MB
Creator: Speed Software -
Publisher : Google Play Store
Support: can be installed for Android 2.3+ (Android Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Ice Cream Sandwich, Jelly bean, kitkat and above)
If you have installed the old version of Root Explorer, please delete the application first before you install the latest version of it. Because then there will be duplication so it will not be able to run / install.

What's New

  1. Allow write to external SD without root in Android 5.0 Lollipop.
  2. Display SE Linux context in file/folder properties (Android 4.3+).
  3. Change SE context menu option (Android 4.3+).
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