Clash of Clans Auto Next XMODGAMES

Clash of Clans Auto Next XMODGAMES - Clash Of Clans or game commonly called COC, of course you already know the strategy game on this one. COC is the most popular games to date, the number of downloads of the game Clash Of Clans in Google Playstore has reached more than 50 million people worldwide. Evidently many Android users have installed and played games of this strategy. If you are a fan of strategy games, game Clash of Clans is mandatory for you to install, because this game is a combination of strategy and social where we can join your friends and form a clan or alliance.

With this application you can skip the enemy has little Elixir and Gold. With third-party applications Clash of Clans XMODGAMES we can get gold, elixir, dark elixir quickly. At that time, a friend pointed out this application and shows a number of its features, I just thought "Wow" This application is an incredible tool. Helped me a lot while playing Clash of Clans, especially in finding a lot of loot, as we all know, that the higher the level of Town Hall we are, the more Gold and Elixir that we need to upgrade the Defense Strategy Clash Of Clans us. Therefore, here I want to share to all of you fans of the game Clash Of Clans.

Clash of Clans Auto Next XMODGAMES

XMODGAMES Clash of Clans Auto Next

Xmod is an application that can help us while playing Clash of Clans, especially in finding a lot of loot. But keep my friend all know, this way is not a coc cheat, hack coc, or mod apk. This trick is only a tweak of the application Xmodgames for Clash of Clans on Android and iOS to help us in finding a lot of loot gold, simulating the attacking Clan War or make coc village we are always in a state of online.

XMODGAMES Clash Of Clans

How to Install Xmod on Android and iOS

Xmod For iOS
Notes: This method is devoted to the already jailbreak IOS devices.

  1. Open cydia, add the source
  2. Then install Xmodgame at the source.
  3. Once installed, open Xmodgame, then install Clash of Clans Mod in Xmodgame.
  4. After the mod installed, open it and run through Xmodgame Clash of Clans. If it is successful, will appear on the right X logo, it is a sign that Xmodgame been successfully installed.
  5. And please enjoy the features that exist in the Xmod.

Xmod For Android
Notes: This method is devoted to Rooted Android devices.

  1. Download Xmodgames in Playstore or via a link Xmod, then install.
  2. Make sure the application Xmodgames already allowed root.
  3. Once installed, open the application Xmod, did mod the game Clash of Clans through Xmod Application Install mod manner. Later status My Game appears caption below the Launch button, there will be a notification Mod Installed, it means the COC mod already installed.
  4. Xmod CoC
  5. Then just launch the game through XModGames. X logo will appear on the right, it is a sign that Xmodgame already successfully installed successfully.

How to use the features that exist in Xmodgame

1. Finding Loot
You just need to type the number of Gold, Elixir, and Dark Elixir who want you to find. Xmodgame will assist you in finding the appropriate amount of loot or higher than the number we want. You need to remember, these switches also feature engines costly gold as we search his normal loot.

2. Sandbox Attack
ON the first of these features, then scout base who want to attack you at War Map CW enemy. Then after you finish the attack simulation, game COC going to crash, but none of our troops were reduced, his name is also just a simulation, then please get in COC again through Xmodgame. If already perform simulations and confident for the raid enemy base, disable the feature again Sandbox Attack.

3. Keep Active
This feature will make the village or base we are always online. Very useful if we shield is up. But be careful, these features make the battery and quota internet data we quickly exhausted. and many other features, leaving you to try it yourself.


4. Search the prompt:
This feature will give us notif sound, if you have found the village we were looking for in accordance with the loot gold / elixir / DE.

5. Get Trophy:
Well this if we want to raise the trophy, please fill in the number of villages with a big trophy to search.

6. Min Town Hall Level:
One additional interesting feature of Xmod, we want to attack the village which has a minimum level of TH how. Suppose we set TH 8, the Xmod will find opponents with a minimum level of TH level 8.

7. Meet All The Conditions:
If this feature is enabled, then all these features that we have the content (other than 0) will be the criteria he was looking for. Surely the search time will be a long time if this feature is enabled.

Q: How come every time you download often display a notification request time out huh?
A: Usually the request time out if there is a problem with the connection to the server from your Android. It is caused by a variety of causes, such as poor signal in your place. Try changing the wifi connection that is stable like.

Q: I've installed xmodgame, but still does not appear icon X account after launch?
A: For a specific processor such as Intel-based, it seems from the developer's own Xmod not support. So there are several Android devices where Xmod can not run. The solution? Do not use the Smartphone that use Intel-based for a while. : D

Q: I have installed Xmod, but currently does not appear COC launch its X icon, what causes it?
A: Read the first answer to the above, if not Intel-based smartphone, it means you have not installed the mod. Please Tap his first game, then install the mod first. After that it will say "Mod Installed" under the Launch button.

Q: It must use the Android rooted or not?
A: Yep! must use Rooted Android

Q: How to root how?
A: Please googling or search on this blog.

Q: already rooted android device, but why still can not run the Xmod?
A: Read the answer to question no 2 and 3. When it is done all, check the permissions of the root of his back. Has it been a success or not. Usually gamers CoC using SuperSU that superman emblem. CMIIW

Q: What will be banned if you use this Xmod?
A: Once again I reiterate, this is just a tweak applications, not hacking! So it is very safe to use.

A few tricks of the application Xmod Clash of Clans Auto Next XMODGAMES, hopefully this information can help you to become a reliable Clash Of Clans player. If you still have difficulties in using Xmod application, please do not hesitate to complain in the comments field below. And do not forget, Xmodgame was tweaked, not hacking! Thank You.
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