Tubemate Youtube Downloader Pro V2.2.5 Cracked Apk

Tubemate Youtube Downloader Pro V2.2.5 Cracked Apk

Tubemate Youtube Downloader Pro
Tubemate Youtube Downloader Pro V2.2.5 Cracked Apk

Name: Tubemate Youtube Downloader Pro
Developer: Tubemate
Version: V2.2.5
License Type: Licensed/Pro/Cracked/Full Version
Apps Size: 6.0 MB
TubeMate YouTube Downloader enables you to quickly access, search, share, and download YouTube videos. Because downloading always happens in the background, you can go on watching YouTube, surfing the Internet, tweeting, and listening to your music as you download.

  • [Fix] keyboard doesn't show up occasionally.
  • [Fix] failure in downloading YouTube playlist
  • Re-enable downloading ‘*’ videos on YouTube.
  • Fix some errors on other sites (Facebook, YouKu, Naver, etc.)
  • Add option to enable/disable scroll button to click.
    • Fast download mode(with multiple connections for a download)
    • Multiple download resolution options
    • Background, multi-download
    • Resume downloading
    • And Many More……

    • Download Apk
    • install it normally
    • Done!Enjoy

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